Mark Schreiber speaks at 2020 ISC West: Security Improvement & Drone Usage

Mark Schreiber gave a presentation during the ISC West event on security improvement with a focus in construction and installation titled “Proper Planning for a Security Improvement Project”. He also gave another presentation during the same event titled “Current Capabilities for Drone Use and Drone Defense”.

Learn more about each presentation:

Security Improvement:

Drone Usage:

Mark Schreiber serves on the Education Selection Commitee for the 2020 ASIS GSX Conference

In September, Mark Schreiber supported the 2020 ASIS Global Security Exchange Plus (GSX+) Conference as a volunteer on the Education Selection Committee. The event hosted many professional’s seminars on pressing issues within the security industry.

Learn more about each session:

Have Existing Physical Access Controls Systems Effectively Supported COVID-19 Return To Office Efforts?

Mark Schreiber was a guest host for OSPA’s Thought Leadership Webinar “Have existing physical access controls systems effectively supported COVID-19 return to office efforts?” He emphasizes that access control systems no longer support just regular security operations, but that they serve a whole new list of functions since the Covid-19 outbreak.

Physical Security in the Time of Covid

Mark Schreiber gave a presentation to ISSA Upstate South Carolina Chapter on the subject of physical security, specifically during the pandemic. COVID-19 has changed the security industry since businesses are looking towards new ways to mitigate the spread of illnesses. Schreiber explains how the use of updated physical security can help control the spread.

Technologies helping security tackle infectious diseases: can technology help people get back to work?

In June of 2020, Mark Schreiber was a panelist for the OSPA Thought Leadership Webinar. The Webinar focused around if new technologies could be useful in helping people return to work post pandemic. The panelists agree that technology can be very beneficial to a company, however, it is important to not oversee any steps in the process and that they should incorporate the right technologies for their business.

Watch panel here:

Infectious Disease Hardening - COVID-19 Screening Measures & Considerations

Mark Schreiber recently released an article on LinkedIn about the screening measures and considerations for returning to work. This is related to the Safeguards Consulting ‘Facility Security Return to Work Considerations’ paper to support businesses during this COVID-19 global pandemic:

Just How Valued, and Valuable is Security? What Can We Expect Post COVID-19?

Mark Schreiber presented in an OSPA panel with several other colleagues regarding the value of security, especially amidst the COVID-19 outbreak. These panelists and others within the industry believe security may not be as valued as it is valuable, and that COVID-19 has opened opportunities for security business to grow and be transformed.

Watch panel here:

‘Facility Security Return to Work Considerations’ Published!

In the second quarter of 2020, Safeguards Consulting researched and analyzed the COVID-19 pandemic to determine how to best support its clients with facility security during this global crisis. To address this and support others, we developed a document called the 'Facility Security Return to Work Considerations’ that introduces considerations for organizations and the term of “infectious disease hardening” to use with this design approach. Please share with any organization that is developing their ‘Return to Work’ plan during this global pandemic:

CONSULT 2018 Participation

In October of 2018, Safeguards Consulting supported the CONSULT 2018 Conference with the attendance of their Principal Consultant, Mark Schreiber, who was also the Facilitator of a panel discussion on modern credentialing. The panel consisted of Garrett Guess of Heritage Medical, Scott Lindley of Farpointe Data, Dean Forchas of HID Global, and David Weinbach of LenelS2. The discussion covered the positives/negatives of physical credentials and mobile credentials, and the changing physical security environments of deploying them in a hybrid environment.