Safeguards Consulting is proud to share that its Principal Consultant, Mark Schreiber and his collaborators, Jason Cansler and Nathan Ruff, gave a presentation on Drones and the impact to security organizations on April 5th, 2017 to a standing room only audience at ISC West in Las Vegas, Nevada. The presentation, "Drones - Friends or Foes to the Security Industry", introduced the security practitioner to Unmanned Aerial Solutions (UAS) technologies, legal boundaries, threats to organizations, and use as tools by security departments.
The presentation was part of a new focus area at ISC West, called the Unmanned Security Expo, which received great attendance and interest at the large conference. Mark Schreiber appreciated the opportunity to kick off this event and educate security professionals on the limitations and benefits of this disruptive technology. Please feel free to contact us if you are pursuing drone operations and/or drone countermeasures at your organization.
To learn more about the UAS/Drone industry, consider joining the UAS Coalition: